Menopause Treatment (Women without a Womb or with a Coil)

HRT Start – Hysterectomy or Coil
Complete this form if you have already been diagnosed with Peri-Menopause or Menopause, you have a Coil in your womb or have had a your womb removed (eg Hysterectomy) and would like:

  • Lifestyle advice to help your symptoms
  • Non-HRT treatment
  • HRT treatment

Menopause and HRT are complex topics with a huge amount of conflicting and often incorrect online information. BBC Panorama recently investigated concerns on TV doctors and Private Clinics.

There are many factors to consider which is why this is best done with an online form written by your own NHS GPs which gives you space and time to consider your options.

Let’s ensure this form is correct for you.

Your Details

Things you can do

The Menopause is a natural process that all women go through and some wish to manage their symptoms themselves without HRT.

Even if you choose to start HRT, the NHS article below can help advise you on how to manage symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and vaginal dryness.

Menopause – Things you can do – NHS

I have read the above information

Non-HRT treatments

Natural Menopause Treatments

These are generally not recommended by doctors as their quality, safety and effectiveness is uncertain. Further information can be found here.

Non-HRT Prescription Medication

Generally these are only advised if you cannot take or wouldn’t like HRT. They can help with hot flushes and night sweats. They include:

Would you like to consider Non-HRT prescription medication INSTEAD of HRT?

HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Information

Would you like to consider HRT?

First, let’s ensure you can have HRT. Regrettably, having any of the following means that we cannot prescribe you HRT due to the risks:

  • Current, past, or suspected breast cancer
  • Oestrogen-dependent cancer
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause
  • A history of blood clots
  • A recent heart attack
  • Liver Disease
  • Pregnancy
Risks and Benefits of HRT

HRT replaces the oestrogen hormones that lessen as you get older. HRT helps reduce the symptoms of menopause as well as offering other benefits. HRT also comes with risks which can include cancer.

Please read about the risks and benefits here.

HRT risks
Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the most significant risk of taking HRT. Current MHRA recommendations suggest the following relating to HRT:

  • All forms of HRT increase breast cancer risk
  • HRT should only be use to relieve post-menopausal symptoms that are affecting quality of life
  • HRT is used for the shortest time and at the lowest dose
  • HRT users should check their breasts for lumps and attend for breast screening when invited.

Further information about the risks are published here

Breast Cancer risk
Would you like to start HRT?
If you have your coil removed you it is very important your HRT is adjusted.

Starting HRT

Types of HRT

  • Tablets containing oestrogen
  • Topical (through the skin)

Tablets containing oestrogen are no longer recommended to be offered first as they have a higher risk of blood clots. Therefore we recommend topical HRT.

There are three types of topical HRT that are applied to the skin:

  • a Patch
  • a Spray
  • a Gel

The patch can sometimes not always stick well or cause skin irritation but there is otherwise little to choose between them. It is your choice.

Testosterone – This is not licensed in the UK to treat the menopause. Read our practice policy here.

Which type of HRT would you prefer?
You have nearly finished the form. What would you like to happen next?
How would you like to proceed?

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This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our privacy policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.

© 2024 Kristian Turnbull