What to do when the practice has no appointments left

Non-urgent advice: Emergencies

It is not appropriate to contact your GP about emergencies as these are best treated in Hospitals.

Please phone 999 for the following:


Please attend Accident and Emergency for the following:

Severe allergy

Tingling, numbness or weakness in a limb or face

Abdominal pain (severe)

Bleeding (heavy)

Blindness, sudden, one or both eyes

Breathlessness, new

Burns, severe

Broken bones

Head injury

Lethargic (drowsy), feverish child

Fits, seizure or uncontrollable shaking

Nose bleed, not stopping after 30 minutes

Overdose of medication, poisoning, accidental or intentional

Lacerations (knife wounds, cuts), deep

Meningitis, suspected

Self-harm or Suicidal Thoughts

Non-urgent advice: Mental Health Problems

Please use the self-referral and self help resources available from the front page of our website. You can access counselling, psychology and CBT from there.

Please phone 111, 999 or attend Accident and Emergency if you are feeling Suicidal.

Non-urgent advice: Infectious Illness

The vast majority of infectious illnesses (Chest infections, Tonsillitis, Ears infections, Sinusitis) that we see at the Almond Group Practice are viral infections or mild bacterial infections that do not require antibiotics and go away with time.

Read about how you can manage your symptoms or condition here.

See your local pharmacist and they can often advise or prescribe medications as necessary.

If your child is unwell read about how to care for them here.

Non-urgent advice: Problems you think are Urgent

Please use the self-help resources here and phone back the next working day at 8 am when we open. We have relatively good access and usually don’t run out of appointments until late morning / early afternoon. If it is a Friday afternoon then please consider phoning 111 or attending your nearest Accident and Emergency.

Consider using 111 online to advise you of the best course of action.

Non-urgent advice: Routine Problems

Read about how you can manage your symptoms or condition here. Consider using 111 online to advise you of the best course of action.

See your local pharmacist and they can often advise or prescribe medications as necessary

Consider booking a routine face to face or telephone consultation. We have appointments available up to four weeks in advance.

Explore the front page of our website to see if there is anything you can self-refer yourself for. You can self refer for Podiatry, Counselling, Psychology, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Drug and Alcohol Misuse, Travel advice and vaccinations, Weight Management Clinics.

Non-urgent advice: Medication Reviews or Problems

You can submit medication problems via our front page. This will go to our pharmacy team to deal with and they will be in touch with you.

You could also ask our reception team if one or our medication eReviews would be suitable.

Alternatively you can speak to your own local pharmacist or read about your medication here