Migraine / Headache Medication Review Migraines Please complete this form to review your Migraine / Chronic Headache and its medication. We will be in touch depending on your answers. The form is made up of three parts: Things you can do to prevent getting them Medication to treat your acute Migraine/headache Medication to prevent you getting Migraines/headaches Your Details Patient Name * Date of Birth * Who is your GP? * Mobile number to contact you * Preventing Migraines Migraines are a mystery of the brain and the causes are poorly understood. Doing the following can help reduce the number and severity of migraines that you suffer from: Stress reduction Regular, quality sleep Caffeine reduction Regular Exercise Trigger identification A headache diary can often be helpful to show your GP the number and severity of your migraines and for you to identify triggers. Please confirm you have considered the above. * I have considered the above preventative advice Medication for Acute Migraines The best treatment to be taken at the start of a Migraine or headache is the following 4 medications taken together: Paracetamol Anti-inflammatory (eg. Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen or Diclofenac) Triptan (eg. Sumatriptan or Rizatriptan) Antisickness tablet if your migraines make you feel sick (eg Metoclopramide, Domperidone or Prochlorperazine) Are you happy with your acute treatment? * I am happy with my acute treatment of Migraine / Headache I would like to increase my acute Migraine / Headache treatment What would you like to add? * Please prescribe me an Anti-inflammatory for my acute migraines (Ibuprofen or similar) Please prescribe me a Triptan (eg Sumatriptan or similar) I get nausea /vomiting with my migraine, please prescribe me an Anti-Sickness tablet Medication Overuse Headaches Sometimes taking too many tablets for headaches can be the cause of headaches or make them worse over time. This is called Medication Overuse Headache. Taking any of the following painkillers three times a week or more puts you at risk: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen or Diclofenac Paracetamol Sumatripan or Rizatriptan Codeine, Dihydrocodeine or Tramadol Medication Overuse Headaches * I have read the above information and don’t think I have Medication Overuse Headaches I think I may have Medication Overuse Headaches and wish to DISCUSS THIS WITH A GP Medication to Prevent Migraines If you are getting frequent (over 1 per week) or severe migraines, you may wish to take a daily preventative tablet. This will not cure your migraines but will reduce the number and severity of migraines that you get. When taking a daily preventative tablet you should take your acute migraine medication as normal (eg ibuprofen) when you get a migraine. Daily preventative tablets examples: Propranolol Amitriptyline Topiramate Pizotifen Preventative tablets * I AM currently taking a preventative tablet I am NOT currently taking a preventative tablet What would you like to do? * I would like to CONTINUE my preventative tablet for the next year Please INCREASE the dose of my preventative tablet. My migraines are still frequent or severe I am getting side effects and would like to DISCUSS CHANGING my preventative tablet I would like to REDUCE or STOP my preventative tablet. My migraines are well controlled Would you like to start a preventative tablet? * No thanks I would like to DISCUSS STARTING a preventative tablet as my migraines are frequent or severe This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our privacy policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data. Consent * I agree to the privacy policy © 2023 Kristian Turnbull Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.