Samaritans – 116 123
A charity providing a 24/7 national helpline for those considering suicide.
Listen and Link
A phoneline service for children, young people and families who have concerns for the mental wellbeing of a child or young person in their household. Or, the child or young person may be worried about their own mental wellbeing. The service is operated by 5 family support workers.
The service is self-referral. This means a young person or adult can make the call themselves, directly to the service.
Childline Counsellor Chat
Chat with a counsellor now about whatever is worrying you.
School Counsellor
All schools are required to have a counsellor that can meet with and support children going through stress, emotional issues, anxiety and low mood. If your child is struggling with any of these problems you should contact and discuss this with your school teacher first and ask to access the school counsellor. If the symptoms are severe then schools are able to refer directly to secondary care services such as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). It is important that these referrals come from the school as the school teacher and counsellor are often able to give a much better account of the child’s symptoms and functioning problems when compared with a single GP assessment.
Anxiety Online CBT
Families can now access online resources for anxiety management thanks to the CAMHS early intervention team. This includes computerised CBT for parents that helps them to learn how to support children and young people with anxiety and recorded parent anxiety workshops. There are also links to CBT apps for anxiety and sleep that are suitable for young people.
Counselling Services
The CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) keeps an up to date list here:
Wellbeing Recovery Group
01506 284440 (Option 4)
The Wellbeing Recovery Group consists of family support workers, youth strategy workers, Social Workers, Counsellors and Educational Psychologists. They work closely with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). They can treat problems at school and at home and mood problems such as anxiety, low mood and anger. To access this service you need to refer your child below or if having problems at school then the teacher can do so.
Relationship Counselling
A charitable organisation with a focus on relationship counselling.
Apps for Mental Health
There are numerous excellent, free apps available to help with stress, anxiety and depression. The NHS has tested many of them and compiled a recommended list.
CAMHS Melville Unit
If your child is suffering from a severe depressive illness and is contemplating suicide please phone the practice and let us know. We can then refer to this emergency service if appropriate.
CAMHS Unscheduled Care Melville Unit – 0131 312 0050