Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Diary for printing Average Home Blood Pressure Please fill out this form with the Blood Pressure readings that you take at home. Patient Name * Date of Birth * Mobile number to contact you * GP or Nurse managing your Blood Pressure * Taking your BP (Blood Pressure) at home is more accurate that having it taken in the GP practice or in hospital. If you have been asked by your GP or nurse to measure your BP at home then please follow these steps: Buy or borrow a BP monitor. Pharmacies sell accurate monitors however if you are buying elsewhere then you can check that the monitor is validated by clicking here. Monitor and write down your BP at home for 5 days. On each day, take your blood on two occasions, in the morning and again in the afternoon or evening. You should be seated and at rest. On each occasion take a minimum of two readings, leaving at least a minute between each. Write down the lowest reading. The numbers you write down should be the same as those that appear on the monitor screen- do not round the numbers up or down. You do not need to record your pulse/heart rate. Input the numbers you have written down and we will get back to you. Day 1 Morning Reading High Number Low Number Afternoon Reading High Number Low Number Day 2 Morning Reading High Number Low Number Afternoon Reading High Number Low Number Day 3 Morning Reading High Number Low Number Afternoon Reading High Number Low Number Day 4 Morning Reading High Number Low Number Afternoon Reading High Number Low Number Day 5 Morning Reading High Number Low Number Afternoon Reading High Number Low Number Your average blood pressure is calculated below. Average Systolic Average Diastolic This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read ourĀ privacy policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data. Consent * I agree to the privacy policy © 2022 Kristian Turnbull Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.