To make an Appointment please phone the practice on: 0131 333 3215
The combination of COVID and high staff sickness has changed the way the practice works and the way that appointments are offered. In order to maximise efficiency and available appointments our reception staff will advise you on the best clinician for you and in an timescale dependent on the type of problem and availability of appointments. We have a wide range of allied health professionals who can offer more specialised care and have longer appointment durations that our GPs. They include physiotherapists, mental health nurses, pharmacists and advanced nurse practitioners. We offer the following appointment types:
Pre-Bookable face-to-face and telephone GP Consultations
Please phone the practice telephone number and ask to book in with your doctor. All appointments are 10 minutes and for one problem.
Urgent / Emergency face-face and telephone GP Consultations
Please phone the practice and tell the receptionist that you need to speak to the doctor that day. The receptionist will ask you some questions so that we may prioritise calls appropriately and offer a safe and efficient service. All appointments are 10 minutes and for one problem.
Home Visits
If you require a home visit please contact the practice before 10 am. Home visits are at the doctors discretion and only if you are bedbound. Lack of transport does not qualify you for a house visit. Home visits reduce the number of patients we are able to see in the practice and we are unable to offer you same quality of service at home as you would receive were you to attend. You must attend the surgery whenever possible and transport remains the patients responsibility. Both Kirkliston and Winchburgh have disabled parking bays and wheelchair access.
Nurse Appointments
The practice nurse deals with minor illnesses, dressings, injections, ear syringing, removal of stitches, cervical smears, contraception, new patient medicals, travel vaccinations and treatment room services. The practice nurse also offers appointments to help you manage certain conditions including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, COPD, Asthma, and Epilepsy. You will be offered an annual review appointment for most of these conditions.
Our physiotherapists can provide initial assessment any joint or muscle pain and refer you to the hospital physios if regular review and further input is required.
Advance Nurse Practitioners (ANP)
Our ANPs can diagnose and treat most acute, uncomplicated medical conditions that a GP can with the exception of mental health problems, pregnant women and children under 6 months old.
Our pharmacy team can sort out any medication issues that you may have.
Mental Health Nurse
Our mental health nurse can diagnose and treat most mental health conditions in people over 18 and under 65 years of age.
Doctors in Training (GP Trainees)
We are an accredited training practice that trains doctors to become GPs. They are fully qualified doctors and are under constant supervision by the GPs. If however you would prefer not to be seen by a GP trainee please say this at the time of booking.